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Messages - AndrewB

Pages: 1
Support / Session listed in "Activities" but not in "Sessions"
« le: juin 16, 2017, 03:57:51 pm »
I have two sessions from 13/14-Aug-2016 that show in the "Activities" section, but they are not in the "Sessions" section.
Same car (944), same track (Road Atlanta)...All the data is there if I access from the Activities window, the sesions are just not showing in the Sessions list.

Thank you,

General Discussion / Download sessions to phone?
« le: septembre 13, 2016, 11:55:00 pm »
I just got a new phone and would like to download a few of my session to the phone app from the web-site. It doesn't appear like the phone app will sync older sessions from the web-site. I could not find any directions to do that. Is it possible?
Thanks, Andrew

Pages: 1